
Easter Was Three Days Ago

There’s a glitter-covered hard boiled egg
Hidden somewhere in this room.

The Easter Bunny left my kids two dozen eggs
And left me with an overwhelming sense of doom.

Twenty-three eggs, present and accounted for
All “painted,” “glaze coated” and “tie dyed.”

(Side note: for what it’s worth
the PAAS people have lost their goddamn minds)

It’s not in the microwave, potted plants or junk drawer,
With the sports equipment or in the toy bins.

Not in the pantry, the art zone or the messy corner,
Not under pillows of couch cushions (phew).

Glitter-covered egg, please show yourself!
Come forth from the place where you sit!

But in a few days,
If you don’t,
I’ll just follow the scent of shit.